Saturday, 4 July 2015

Health IT Startup: ELXR Health

Interoperability in healthcare is critical for doctors to coordinate care for their patients and improve their health. However, if physicians are using proprietary software in their offices, interoperability becomes a very difficult and very expensive challenge. Without interoperability in healthcare, doctors cannot guarantee the data they sent to a specialist will be received or interpreted properly. Today, doctors have to rely on fax machines to exchange patient information. This is an outdated and un-secure form of communication to exchange patient information.

At the center of all this is the patient, whose medical records containing their most sensitive information is traversing across fax lines. ELXR Health will change healthcare by giving physicians a new way to coordinate care and exchange information. With the platform, patients can create and manage their medical consents anywhere on a smartphone or tablet. ELXR Health can transform and translate health data into multiple formats; doctors can seamlessly exchange patient information regardless of the EHR software they sent to, or receiving from.

Elevator pitch
The ELXR Health platform is cloud-based engine that translates and restructures electronic health records into a format easily readable by any doctor’s office. We center our solution around the patient by providing them a responsive web application to create and manage their consents. This doctor-patient collaborative system will improve coordination of care systems and dramatically increase patient outcomes.

Founder’s story
Paul Emanuel, HCISPP, is the co-founder and CEO of ELXR Health. Emanuel has worked in healthcare technology for many years as a technician, a systems and security administrator, an EMR consultant and an HIE Engineer. His years of service in health IT enabled him to receive 14 IT certifications, and is a certified healthcare information security and privacy practitioner. He started his first company in 2008 helping rural health clinics adopt electronic health records and connect with state health information exchanges. He came up with his idea for ELXR Health from his years of experience in Health IT. ELXR Health was created to be the solution for doctors and patients to better coordinate care.

Marketing/promotion strategy
Behavioral health organizations, managed care organizations, hospitals and private practices are looking for a cost-effective way to exchange patient data electronically while improving patient outcomes while adhering to their state laws. Our engine allows doctors to translate, restructure and validate health data so the data being sent is the data being received.

ELXR Health gives the patient the ability to manage their consents at their convenience from their smartphone or tablet. We also give developers the ability to integrate with our API to improve their software and provide better care systems for doctors and patients.

Market opportunity
Our target market is behavioral health. The HITECH Act of 2009 gave incentives for doctors and hospitals in the primary care space, but behavioral health was left out. This put doctors and patients who deal with sensitive health records at a technical disadvantage, forcing them to use traditional methods of communication to exchange patient data. There are federal and state laws that govern how patients with substance abuse, mental health, and sexually transmitted diseases give their consents. This is a critical problem for behavioral health patients who require a system of coordinate care to treat them. Without that system, behavioral health patients go to the emergency room costing hospitals and government-aid programs, such as Medicaid, a great deal of money. With ELXR Health, interoperability is here. Doctors and specialists can work together from any EHR system or healthcare application to build a system of coordinated care for their patients. This saves money on infrastructure, development, Medicaid, and hospital costs.

How does your company differ from competitors?
ELXR Health is designed to adapt to any healthcare environment. Using the cloud, we offer many incentives to use ELXR Health including single sign-on so doctors won’t have to remember another username and password in order to treat patients. When a doctor sends patient data to ELXR Health, our process to translate, restructure and validate the data is done automatically. With ELXR Health, doctors and hospitals will not have to hire additional developers and engineers to process incoming patient data.

ELXR Health makes it easy for doctors to prepare their data for exchange while adhering to HIPAA, federal and state laws. Our patient consent platform works with our engine. The convenience of a responsive web application allows patients to create and manage their consents that is instantly sent to our engine for processing. Finally, health startups and developers can integrate with our engine easily through our SOAP and REST-ful API. Startups and Developers can improve their products with ELXR Health knowing that the data they receive is readable and validated.

Business model
ELXR Health gives value to behavioral health organizations, accountable care organizations, managed care entities, hospitals, private practices and health startups. ELXR Health works with patient data in many different formats to improve outcomes, cut costs, and increase patient satisfaction and trust with their doctors. For healthcare providers and organizations, they will pay a one-time implementation fee and an annual reoccurring license and support fee. For our API customers, we charge an annual or monthly rate up to five data feeds.

Current needs
ELXR Health is looking for behavioral health organizations, accountable care organizations and managed care entities interested in improving patient outcomes and a cost-effective means to prepare health data for exchange. We are also looking to become a HISP, so that we can secure exchange messages through DIRECT. We are also looking for system administrators and Java developers who are as passionate about health IT as we are and want to improve our product.

ELXR Health was founded in 2015 out of a startup accelerator in Durham, North Carolina, called The Startup Factory. We have spent two years prior testing our assumptions and developing our engine into what it is today.

Number of employees
ELXR Health is powered its two co-founders, Paul Emanuel and Clinton Racine. We have worked together for 10 years in information technology and health IT to build this company together.

View the original content and more from this author here:

from health IT caucus

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