Saturday, 31 October 2015

Sue Lani Madsen: Affordable Care Act not true health care reform

It’s open season for enrollment in health insurance if you choose to purchase it.

Not much of a choice.

Three years ago the Affordable Care Act went into effect and we all became subject to a penalty for not buying health insurance.

Yes, I know the U.S. Supreme Court redefined it as a tax, the only sales tax for not buying something. The tax has increased each year and is 2.5 percent of income for 2016, capped at $2,085 per household. Households with an income of $83,400 will hit the cap, resulting in middle-income households being taxed at a higher rate than upper earners.

Although most people will buy and few will pay the tax, it’s all part of the frustration that leads to calls to repeal Obamacare.

Personally, our family has opted out under the provisions of 26 U.S.C. §5000A(d)(2)(B)(ii). In plain English, we joined a health care sharing ministry, recognized as one of several acceptable alternatives to purchasing private insurance or signing up for public insurance. For the full article click here


from health IT caucus

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