Thursday, 22 October 2015

Navigating the Maze of Electronic Health Records

Christine Bechtel dropped off a copy of the Fed­er­al Re­gister at her doc­tor’s of­fice. The con­sumer ad­voc­ate was in the midst of a pro­longed battle to ob­tain elec­tron­ic cop­ies of her health re­cords from a primary care prac­tice whose em­ploy­ees seemed be­fuddled when told they had to provide them.

So Bechtel showed them the rules, and by the end of the roughly two-week or­deal, she had two files of health data, al­beit in a rather out­dated me­di­um: a CD-ROM.

Bechtel de­tailed her dif­fi­culties in get­ting her own pa­tient data at a June Sen­ate Health, Edu­ca­tion, Labor, and Pen­sions Com­mit­tee hear­ing, her an­ec­dote serving as a snap­shot of the prob­lems plaguing elec­tron­ic health re­cords that the pan­el hopes to fix in a med­ic­al-in­nov­a­tion bill likely to be in­tro­duced this year. For the full article click here 

from health IT caucus

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