Thursday, 8 September 2016

Hunt announces online NHS 111 services

(Manchester, UK) – The Health Secretary detailed plans for the digital expansion of the non-emergency NHS 111 helpline, which will allow patients to enter symptoms online and receive customised advice or a call back from a health professional.

When the website is relaunched in an updated form, patients will be able to book appointments, access medical records and order prescriptions online. Patients will also be able to access “Ofsted style” data to compare how well their local health services perform in areas of dementia, diabetes and learning disability services.

Hunt, speaking at the Health and Care Innovation Expo 2016 in Manchester, said the new plans “will make it easier for patients to get medical support and information they need, and should encourage more of us to use the growing range of online NHS services available.

“We live in the age of the smartphone, and we want the NHS to reflect that. For the full article click here 

from health IT caucus

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