Monday, 8 August 2016

Health Take-Away: Four bite-sized tips for healthy nutrition

Rooted in ancient forms of Buddhist meditation, the practice of mindfulness has come fully into the mainstream of how everyday people manage their physical, emotional and spiritual health. It has practical applications for virtually everything we do, including the way we eat. Mindful eating creates a whole new level of consciousness around good nutrition. It’s about loving the food that loves us back.

Here are four bite-sized tips for eating mindfully.

1. Keep it real: The explosion of highly processed foods that began in the 20 th century has wreaked havoc on the digestive systems and overall health of consumers, feeding an epidemic rise in heart disease, diabetes and other life-threatening conditions. Off-the- shelf products filled with laboratory-engineered ingredients with names you couldn’t pronounce began replacing many of the fresh foods and simple ingredients once found in the home pantry.

“Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food,” says nutrition author and activist Michael Pollan. Fill your cart with plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, along with a balanced selection of plant-based protein sources (like beans, nuts and seeds), sustainably raised meat and seafood. It’s ok to be realistic and occasionally go for convenience. Some ready-made, store-bought foods can be acceptably healthy, as long as you choose wisely. Pick products with no more than five basic ingredients. Stay away from sugar and especially high fructose corn syrup. For the full article click here 

from health IT caucus

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