Thursday, 23 June 2016

Dr Google will see you now: New health symptom checker takes on GPs

If you wake up feeling a bit ill, the first place you’re going to turn to isn’t your local GP clinic – it’s probably Google.

You’re not alone: roughly 1pc of all Google searches – that’s millions of them every day – are related to medical symptoms. Usually, the range of results is enough to turn the most rational human into a raging hypochondriac, but Google has announced a new health symptom checker that claims it gives you medically accurate information.

For instance, if you search Google for “headache on one side,” it shows you a list of possible conditions such as “migraine,” “tension headache,” “sinusitis,” and “common cold”. It will also give you some home treatment options and tell you if you should see a doctor. For the full article click here 

from health IT caucus

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