Thursday, 26 May 2016


by Nick Wilding, Head of Cyber Resilience, AXELOS

Corporate and personal reputations are hard-won but they can be ruined in an instant. As countless examples have shown, businesses large and small are being successfully attacked by cyber criminals with often catastrophic impacts. The fact that so many organisations, of all sizes and in all sectors, have had their most valuable and commercially sensitive information compromised reflects the scale of the problem. It also highlights that no one is safe. All organisations are at risk and you can never be ‘bullet-proof’. But organisations can manage their cyber risks more effectively by adopting an organisation-wide response, led from the top that effectively balances business opportunities and risks as well as the processes, technologies and critically the people that make the organisation tick.

“It’s a well-known fact that the great majority of cyber-attacks succeed because of human error – an unwitting mistake made by anyone. “

Until this happens they will remain as vulnerable as anyone else. Cyber resilience can be described as the ability of any organisation to prevent, detect, respond and recover from the impacts of an attack with minimal damage to their reputation, market value or competitive advantage. In a resilient organisation protecting your business and most precious information is as much about preparing for an attack and setting up structures and processes to deal with one as and when it happens.

It’s a well-known fact that the great majority of cyber-attacks succeed because of human error – an unwitting mistake made by anyone. Anyone from the boardroom to the frontline. Cyber-criminals, like those in the real world, are opportunists and they are adept and persistent at exploiting these ‘unlocked doors’ into any organisation.

To read the full article, click here

from health IT caucus

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