Monday, 25 January 2016

Court overturns University Health Network researchers’ punishment

The Ontario Divisional Court has overturned a University Health Network decision that found, in the court’s words, that Toronto cancer researchers Dr. Sylvia Asa and Dr. Shereen Ezzat “falsified and fabricated images in a number of research articles,” the Star has learned.

In a decision released Friday, a three-judges panel did, however, uphold a separate UHN finding that the researchers committed research misconduct in the form of “material non-compliance” and in doing so, failed to comply with publication standards in scientific journals.

The court ordered that the sanction against both doctors be sent back to UHN for review and that the hospital pay $20,000 to cover their legal costs. After the decision, the hospital maintained that it never concluded that the doctors falsified and fabricated images. For the full article click here 

from health IT caucus

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