Saturday, 1 August 2015

Too Much of This Tied to Poor Teen Mental Health

Study found those on social media sites more than 2 hours a day were more likely to have problems

FRIDAY, July 31, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Teens who frequently use social media are more likely to say they struggle with mental healthconcerns that are not being addressed, new Canadian research reveals.

At issue is the amount of time adolescents spend browsing and posting on sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

“It is difficult to speculate what mechanisms may link the use of social networking sites to mental health problems,” said study author Dr. Hugues Sampasa-Kanyinga, from the department of epidemiology at Ottawa Public Health in Ottawa, Canada.

While the study did not prove a cause-and-effect link, Sampasa-Kanyinga noted that the “use of social networking sites can lead to poor mental health, and poor mental health may be a reason why youth use social networking sites. That said, it could be that kids with mental health problems are seeking out interactions as they are feeling isolated and alone. Or it could be that greater time online exposes one to more opportunities for cyberbullying, for instance.”

Sampasa-Kanyinga and study co-author Dr. Rosamund Lewis reported their findings online recently in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

In the study, the researchers analyzed part of a youth health survey that tallied responses from more than 750 students who were enrolled in grades 7 through 12 (average age of 14) in Ottawa.

Just over a quarter said they accessed social networking sites for more than two hours every day, while about a fifth said they never did or did so rarely. More than half (54 percent) said they surfed such sites, but for two hours or less daily.

Nearly two-thirds described their mental health status as either “excellent” or “very good.” About a fifth said their mental state was “good,” while about 17 percent described it as “poor.”

In addition, about a quarter said they had mental health support needs that were going unmet, while the remainder said they were getting the help they felt they needed. About 13 percent said they had contemplated suicide.

Ultimately, the study authors determined that teens who accessed online sites two or more hours per day were more likely to describe their mental health as “poor” and less likely to have their own perceived needs for mental health support addressed.

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