Under cover of darkness, a few burial workers pried open the hospital morgue’s steel doors and stole three corpses. They carried the bodies to the hospital’s front gates and tossed them beside the road that bisects downtown Kenema, the third largest city in Sierra Leone.
As the sun rose, a crowd gathered around the bodies. No one admitted to dumping them, but members of the hospital’s burial team, the 23 men tasked with carrying and cleaning Ebola-infected corpses, told local journalists the cadavers were a form of protest. The workers had not received the $115 weekly in “hazard pay” they had been promised for nearly two months by supervisors, the government and donors. And they were not alone. All over the country, hundreds—if not thousands—of doctors, nurses, hospital cleaners, lab technicians and burial workers had been unpaid or underpaid, and many still are.
That silent protest took place on November 25, 2014, while hospitals throughout the country were collapsing under the weight of the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. The men and women on the front lines, risking their lives to save the dying and protect the healthy from infection, had begun to feel duped. Millions of dollars flowed into Sierra Leone from all over the world to help tackle the crisis, but the workers’ pleas to be paid were ignored.
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The lack of wages was not simply a matter of corrupt officials stealing donor money. Instead, there appear to be two additional problems: First, Sierra Leone’s national health system has been so underfunded for so long that it was a monumental challenge to document all the country’s care workers and set up distribution channels to pay them. Second, relatively little money was reserved for local front-line staff within the national health system—less than 2 percent of $3.3 billion in donations to fight Ebola in West Africa was earmarked for them. The vast majority of the money, donated from taxpayers of the United States, the United Kingdom and two dozen other countries, went directly to Western agencies, more than 100 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the United Nations.
While some health workers staged strikes over their mistreatment, many suppressed their anger and pressed on with their jobs. They did not want to risk their prospects of eventual pay—or the loss of employment. Indeed, the entire burial team at Kenema Government Hospital was fired after the corpse demonstration.
The day the bodies were dumped, nurse Elizabeth Kabba ignored the crowd gathered at the hospital gates, slid into her protective uniform and entered a makeshift structure of plywood and tarp, with the words “High-Risk Area” scrawled across the doorway in permanent marker. She had worked as a nurse in the Ebola ward since May, when Dr. Sheik Umar Khan, West Africa’s leading virologist, first opened its doors. Khan had recruited her, plus a dozen other nurses from the general hospital—one of the largest in the country. Back then, no one could have predicted how horrific the outbreak would be. Ebola would kill Khan and 36 other health workers at Kenema Hospital. Across the three affected countries in West Africa, 507 health workers had died of the disease as of May 6, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
When I visited Kenema Hospital in February, graffiti on one wall of the Ebola isolation area read: “Please pay us.” By then, Kabba had cared for more than 420 Ebola patients and lost several friends. She also had not received most of the $92 weekly allowances she’d been promised since September. Nurses around the country were in similar positions. “We hear about money pouring in, but it is not getting to us,” Kabba said. “People are eating the money, people who do not come here. We are pleading nationwide. We have sacrificed our lives.”
When Ebola crept across Guinea’s porous border and into eastern Sierra Leone, it was the national health workers who responded. By July 2014, Khan’s Ebola ward at Kenema Hospital had more than 100 patients. With a nearly 70 percent chance of a swift, painful death, people perished in their beds and on the floor; nurses climbed over corpses to reach other patients crying out for help. Invalids died while nurses rehydrated them, and cleaners wiped infectious fluids from their bodies. “I’d stay by their beds and pray for their lives to help them cope,” said Miriam Conteh, one of the nurses in Kenema. “I’d lie and tell them I was once an Ebola patient, and that I survived and they can too.”
On July 29, Ebola killed Khan. His death reverberated throughout West Africa, but it was felt most strongly at Kenema Hospital. “He was the captain of the ship, and when he died, everything changed,” said James Massally, the hospital’s lab director. “The attitude of workers, nurses, technicians—everyone was terrified.”
To keep public clinics and hospitals staffed, the government promised hazard pay to health workers. Prior to the outbreak, nurses who were lucky enough to find paying jobs in the national health system usually earned about $130 per month—less than motorcycle taxi drivers. Many who weren’t yet on payroll worked for free until a job opened. To get by, nurses sold goods on the side or charged patients extra. So when the bonuses were announced, thousands of nurses and other staff volunteered. Those treating Ebola patients directly were to get about $115 per week on top of their meager salaries; those in Ebola triage units, $92; and nurses in general wards, $46.
It soon became clear, however, that Sierra Leone could not afford to pay the staff needed to hold back the rising tide of Ebola. At Kenema Hospital, WHO contributed to hazard pay funds for a couple of weeks and recruited a handful of international health workers to help. Nahid Bhadelia, an infectious disease physician from Boston University, arrived in August to find fliers commemorating dead nurses and lab technicians hung on the walls—and a facility without rubber gloves, plastic Tyvek suits and other necessary safety equipment. “So you’re not getting paid, your friends are dying and you have nothing to protect yourself. We couldn’t get anything into the country because commercial shippers stopped flying,” she said. “At one point, we created aprons out of tarps.”
In August, after nearly 1,000 people had died of Ebola, WHO declared a world health emergency and the process of organizing and funding an international campaign to fight the contagion began. The world’s largest donors searched for organizations to deliver their aid. But that took time, because few NGOs specialized in emergency clinical care, and the rare ones that did, like Doctors Without Borders, were stretched to capacity. In the meantime, the death toll in the three hard-hit countries—Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia—tripled. By October 1, it included 3,330 people.
In November, the World Bank, along with the African Development Bank, offered to cover the rising cost of hazard pay. Almost immediately, the World Bank noticed signs of corruption. When it looked at the lists of front-line staff created by officials in Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health, it discovered “ghost workers”—aliases, family members and mistakes in enumeration. “The lists were bloated, and it pointed to some malfeasance,” said Sheriff Mahmud Ismail, a communications officer with the World Bank in Sierra Leone.
In response, the World Bank suggested using an e-pay system in which health workers would receive money directly to their bank accounts or via text messages instructing them to go to pay stations to pick up cash. With e-payments, government officials could not steal the money. According to the World Bank, the U.N. Development Program (UNDP) was brought on to manage the hazard pay database and coordinate the payment system: Hospital supervisors passed new lists of front-line staff to coordinators in each district, who examined and signed the papers before sending them to Freetown. There, a small team of staff from both the U.N. and the National Ebola Response Center (NERC, Sierra Leone government officials) corresponded with a U.S.-based accounting firm, BDO, to be sure the appropriate signatures were in place. If it all looked correct, the World Bank had BDO release the funds.
This small team in Freetown was responsible for overseeing $23.7 million of hazard payments to a fluctuating workforce of about 23,000 nurses, lab technicians and support staff throughout Sierra Leone. It was a monumental challenge in a country with a cash economy, no digital human resources database, a dearth of accountants and a history of corruption.
So it is not surprising that from November until today, complaints of missing hazard pay persist. “Since the beginning [of the Ebola response], the most consistent problem has been the failure to pay risk allowances,” said Oliver Johnson, the director of King’s Sierra Leone Partnership. “It’s inexcusable with all of this money lying around that nobody has invested in a big team that can sort it out.”
When I met Faith Sisay, she spoke bitterly of promises to support the “angels.” She had worked at the Ebola ward at Kenema Hospital since the previous June, and continued to do so after she realized she was pregnant in August. In her early 20s, Sisay had just completed her nursing degree and needed the weekly stipends, as well as the pledge of post-Ebola employment made by Sierra Leone’s president, Ernest Bai Koroma. Once her womb perceptibly swelled, the head nurses asked her to remain outside the ward, to prepare medications and fetch supplies. Initially, she received her hazard allowance, but then paydays in October, November, December, January and February came and went, and Sisay didn’t receive a cent.
Beads of sweat collected on her nose as we chatted on her back porch; Sisay’s huge belly seemed to burst out of her tiny frame. When she complained to her supervisors about missing hazard pay, they told her to be patient. But nothing changed. “They don’t even know about Faith,” she said. “I am deleted.”
Back at Kenema Hospital, I watched young men from the former burial team don their protective gear and load a corpse into the back of a truck. Ebola was no longer ravaging the region, but people continued to die of various causes, and their corpses needed to be handled safely. Although the workers had been fired after the corpse-dumping demonstration in November, they continued to work for occasional tips. One of the men, Abdul Sam, invited me to see where he’d lived during the peak of the outbreak in Kenema. A thin white sheet covered a corpse in a corner, near a rusted steel cabinet. At the opposite end was a narrow, sectioned-off corridor, where Sam said he’d rested. By sleeping beside a pile of bodies, he was able to prepare Ebola victims around the clock. Then he was discarded. “No pay!” he gasped in a voice that climbed toward a falsetto, palms raised to the sky.
Massally supported Sam and a few others with his own money after they were laid off in November. He had worked with the U.N. in East Timor in 1999, he said, and has a sense of how much money flows through the hands of the people who tackle a crisis via laptop. “I feel pathetic for the local staff. They do everything, but the returns go to the internationals, who do not go into the red zone,” he said. “Some do, but it’s a relative few.”
On the outskirts of Kenema is an Ebola treatment center operated by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which opened after the worst of the outbreak had passed through the district. By November, patients diagnosed with Ebola at Kenema Hospital were transferred there for care. When I visited in February, there were no patients at the unit. Two dozen local nurses sat in the shade of a tent, waiting for a training session on hand-washing. They say their salaries and hazard payments were consistent, reliably processed by the NGO.
Just down the road, at Kenema’s public hospital, I met Miriam Conteh, in faded maroon scrubs darkened with sweat. She had been at the hospital’s Ebola ward until 3 a.m. the night before with a patient she now suspected suffered from Lassa fever, a viral disease that, like Ebola, is characterized by bleeding. Conteh told me she could help me document who worked in the Ebola unit, and deserved hazard pay, but only in secret because nurses were warned not to complain to outsiders. A nurse who had told a local journalist about his pay problems had been transferred to another district. Nurses around the country echoed the concern. For these reasons, the names and some distinguishing features of the health care workers have been changed in this article.
Conteh arrived at my guesthouse a few days later, carrying a backpack heavy with documents. The loose papers formed a rough diary. A page from July 23 read: “29 confirmed Ebola patients, 3 in critical condition, 1 lactating mother, 6 orphans, 8 in need of psychosocial support, 2 dead, 41 nurses on duty for all shifts.” Papers from the laboratory showed that technicians in Kenema had tested 3,083 patients and 742 corpses for Ebola from May through November. Log books listed staff in the Ebola ward over time. For every name, Conteh described the person: He was a diligent cleaner, she was a fat nurse, and so on. Conteh said several had not received hazard pay for several months, and many of the others—including her—had been paid only half.
I converted the staff lists to an Excel file and emailed it to the UNDP in Sierra Leone. Sudipto Mukerjee, the UNDP country director, met me in his office in Freetown. Just before, someone on his team searched in their system for some of the nurses on my list and replied with a subset of names they found. Mukerjee said everyone on that subset list had received their weekly pay (but later said to verify that with government officials at NERC). I told him about nurses not on the U.N.’s list who had not been paid, and I said that those who were on it had insisted they had received half the promised amount. “November payments have been paid, as far as I am concerned,” he told me. “And if they say they aren’t [paid], they should lodge this complaint through a proper system and not through you.” I replied that they are threatened if they complain. “If you have a situation where people are being threatened, they should report it to anti-corruption [agencies],” Mukerjee countered. “They should report it to the police, to the traditional chief: There are so many means of getting your voice heard.”
When I left his office, I called a senior nurse in Kenema to ask if—as Mukerjee suggested—their problems ceased in November. She sounded shocked. “They should see what we went through on the front line while these people sat in the AC, in their own vehicles, while we were sweating,” she said. I decided not to tell her that internationally recruited U.N. staff earn $1,600 in danger pay every month on top of their significant annual salaries; country directors in Sierra Leone, for example, take home $153,825 to $187,904 per year.
Source: http://ift.tt/1Ad4Ak2
from health IT caucus http://ift.tt/1AeuBzp
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